Keynote talk tentative title: "Cardiac repolarization oscillations at sympathetic frequencies: characterization, underlying mechanisms and relation to arrhythmic risk"
Short Bio: Esther Pueyo is Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza and Senior Research Scientist at the Biomedical Research Networking Centre on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN). She has established research experience in biomedical signal processing, the field where she pursued her PhD at the University of Zaragoza, and in electrophysiological modeling and simulation, after having completed a three-year postdoctoral period at the University of Oxford (UK). Esther Pueyo has additionally worked in the areas of cardiology and experimental physiology during research visits and in collaborations with different institutions in Spain, UK, Sweden, Hungary and the United States. Her investigations involve active collaborations with a wide network of research groups including the University of Oxford, University College London, University of Szeged, University of Debrecen and FDA, among others.
Esther Pueyo has participated as Principal Investigator (PI) or Collaborator in a large number of international, European, national and regional research projects. She is currently PI of the ERC Starting Grant project MODELAGE, funded with 1.5 M€, and is / has been PI of 7 other grants funded by regional, national and international agencies. She has and is actively participating in 3 projects led by the European Space Agency, 2 Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks under H2020 EU funding and was invited to join the Oxford team to contribute to the EU-funded FP7 project PREDiCT. She has also participated in more than 28 other projects, with broad international collaborations.
Esther Pueyo has authored/co-authored over 140 peer-reviewed publications, including 56 full articles in high-impact journals, 12 journal abstracts and over 80 conference papers. More than 75% of her publications are in the top third of JCR ranking. She regularly delivers invited talks in scientific conferences and symposiums, is a reviewer for twenty different JCR journals, Editorial Board member of Physiological Measurement and Plos One as well as Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physiology. She has supervised / is supervising 7 postdoctoral researchers and 12 PhD students, four of the latter jointly with FDA (USA), University of Oxford (UK), Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Université de Bordeaux (France). She has additionally supervised 4 Master Theses, 7 Graduate Theses and 3 Industrial Fellowships.