Selected contributions submitted to ESGCO 2020 and accepted to be included in the ESGCO 2020 conference proceedings will be invited to submit a full manuscript to the following theme issue to be published in the scientific journal "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences" entitled:
"Advanced Computation in Cardiovascular Physiology: New Challenges and Opportunities"
consistently with the following summary of issue:
"Recent developments in computational physiology have effectively exploited advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence tools for uncovering characteristic features of physiological and pathological states. While these advanced tools have demonstrated better-than-human diagnostic capabilities, the high complexity of these computational 'black boxes’ may severely limit scientific inference, especially in terms of biological insights on disease mechanisms. This theme issue combines research articles, reviews, and perspective contributions highlighting challenges and opportunities of advanced computational tools for processing comprehensive autonomic nervous system dynamics, with a more specific focus on cardiovascular physiology and pathology. This will include the development and adaptation of complex signal processing methods, multivariate cardiovascular models, multiscale and nonlinear models for central-peripheral dynamics, as well as deep and reinforcement learning algorithms applied to big biomedical datasets. Such a wide panoramic perspective is aimed at fostering the transition from the black-box paradigm to interpretable and personalized clinical models."